Our Pastor


Pastor Chris Wass
Pastor Chris Wass grew up at South Side Baptist Tabernacle where his father, Bob Wass, is a deacon and his mother, Janet Wass, is the church organist and was a Sunday School teacher for the toddlers for many years. Pastor was saved at the age of 11 as he was delivering his papers on his paper route one day in the West Willow subdivision. He served in the church as a teenager and eventually went off to college at Baptist Bible College East in Boston, Massachusetts (now Boston Bible College East). He married his high school sweetheart, Pam Greenwood, in 1990 and graduated from college in 1991. Pastor Wass was asked to return to South Side upon graduation, and the young couple moved back to Ypsilanti. He served faithfully as youth pastor for 18 years while also fulfilling many other duties in the church.

On Sunday, April 26, 2009, Pastor Chris Wass was voted in as Pastor of South Side Baptist Tabernacle. 

Pastor and Mrs. Wass are the parents of five children: Justin, Ashley, Nathan, Brent and Joshua.

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