At South Side Baptist Tabernacle, we believe that missions is a vital aspect of the church. Jesus gave the church our "Great Commission" in Matthew 18:18-20, "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
We fulfill the Great Commission by partnering with missionaries through missions giving and prayer support. Below are the missionaries that we support both here in the United States and all around the world.
Arnold & Leslie Belasco were married in 1995, and they were sent to Spain out of Southland Baptist Church in Missouri in 2008. Leslie went home to be with the Lord in March 2025.
The Blusts were married in 1992 and have been serving God in the Philippines since 1999. Jeff is planting churches as well as training nationals as Executive VP of a Bible college in Mindanao and Visayas. Their sending church is Empire Baptist Temple in South Dakota.
The Brocks have been on the mission field of Germany since 1976 and have been married for over fifty years. The Brocks have been involved in starting three Bible-believing Baptist churches in three different areas of Germany. They are sent out of Canaan Baptist Church in Georgia.
The Burgetts were married in 1979 and have four children. The Burgetts have been in Japan since 1986. They are sent out of Hillview Baptist Church in Oregon. To read more about their current and future ministry, visit their website here:
The Carneys have been in Hungary since 1995 except for 8 years (2007-2015) when Mike pastored his sending church: Lighthouse Baptist Church in Massachusetts. They have started several churches as well as being involved in translation work.
Louise and her husband, Darrell, were sent out to serve God as missionaries in the Congo in 1954 but relocated in 1964 to Suriname. Darrell was called home to higher service in 2015. Since then, Louise has continued to faithfully serve God in Suriname.
Jonathan is the son of Darrell & Louise Champlin and grew up on the mission field of Suriname. After marrying his wife, Sherrie, he returned to Suriname, and they have faithfully served there ever since. They have four children.
Jay Cooper is a missionary right here in Michigan. Michigan law allows students to be released from school for an hour of Bible teaching. During the school year, Jay leads these released time Bible classes, and in the summer, he directs and teaches Vacation Bible Schools all across Michigan.
Joel & Christelle Creekmore - Bellevue, WA
The Creekmores planted a church in Bellevue, Washington to reach the people in the Silicon Valley with the gospel.
The Dimakos have been missionaries in Greece since 1993. They have started several churches, and since 2011, they have also had the opportunity to reach Iranian refugees in the country of Greece.
The Falks have been on the mission field of Germany since 1977. They are sent out of the Bible Baptist Church in Highland, Indiana. They have worked in Germany planting four churches as well as translating and creating Bible materials for use in churches all across Germany.
After starting a church in Indiana, the Freemans went to Taiwan in 1979. They have started eight churches in the country and have helped three others while they did not have a pastor. The Freemans also continue to train national Christians for the ministry in Taiwan and Hong Kong. They are sent out of Wick Road Baptist Church in Taylor, MI.
Since 1988, the Frizzells have served as missionaries in the country of Bolivia. They have planted churches and started a Bible Institute and summer camp. The Frizzells have had the opportunity to train other missionary families that come and work alongside them either short-term or long-term.
God laid it upon Bro. Burton's heart to start a church in the inner city of Philadelphia, and Liberty Baptist Church held their first service in 2009. The Gates have continued to serve in that church and have begun to plant more churches in inner city Philadelphia.
The Gritts have been missionaries in England since 1983. They have planted two churches in two different cities that are now being led by national pastors who were saved as well as discipled in that particular church plant.
Bob Harbin was saved at Camp Achor right here at South Side Baptist Tabernacle, and he served here before pastoring a church in Iowa for 34 years. For the last ten years, the Harbins have been evangelists traveling all across the country. They are sent out of Bible Baptist Church in Oklahoma.
Heartland Baptist Bible College - Oklahoma City
HBBC partners with churches to train and equip people for the full-time gospel ministry in Baptist churches across the nation and around the world.
Since 1986, the Ivisons have been serving together in England. Their sending church is Park Crest Baptist Church in Missouri. They have continued serving the Lord despite a serious car accident that threatened Faye's life several years ago.
The Kings were sent to Japan as missionaries in 1960. Together, they faithfully served the Lord before Ellen King passed away in 2020. George King still continues to evangelize and teach in the country of Japan.
Both Ron & Robyn were saved and discipled at our church. He worked as the youth pastor at SSBT for several years before, in 2014, answering God's call to plant a church in Clinton, MI. In 2021, God opened the door to merge that church plant with another church in neighboring Tecumseh--Ridgeway Baptist Church.
The Lanes were sent out as missionaries in 1987. They served in Haiti for eleven years before moving to the Dominican Republic to continue their work. They have planted churches and now train other missionaries as well.
In 2021, God led the Levesques to plant a church in one of the most Islamic-influenced areas in the United States - Dearborn, MI. Through Dearborn Baptist Church, they are working on spreading the good news of Jesus to the whole community.
The Longs have traveled across the country encouraging saints and reaching souls for many years. Bro. Danny preaches, and his wife sings. They have been a staple of our camp meeting for a long time.
Although born in Texas, Austin James Lutrick was called of God to plant a church in Seattle, WA. In 2017, he was sent out of Foundation Baptist Church in Washington to start Emerald City Baptist Church in the heart of Seattle. In 2019, the church had its first service, and this church plant has continued to reach into this needy community ever since.
After starting a church in Connecticut, the Maggards went to Cuba as missionaries in 1996. Since then, they have planted churches in Cuba, Guatemala, and other Spanish-speaking countries. Besides planting churches, the Maggards have also been able to help and support other missionaries in the Caribbean.
The Mahers have been serving the Lord in the country of Ukraine since 1993. They have two children, Elisabeth and David. Their sending church is Berean Baptist Church in Indiana. In Ukraine, they have planted churches, organized evangelistic crusades, and discipled believers.
In 1987, the Martins were sent to the mission field of Portugal. The Martins have two grown children, and they are focusing their missions work on the city of Lisbon in Portugal. They are sent out of Calvary Baptist Church in Kansas.
The McBrides are sent out of Bean Blossom Baptist Church in Indiana to preach the gospel all across America. Bro. McBride comes bi-annually to preach at our camp meeting.
The McCrackens have been in evangelism since 2000, and before that, he pastored in Stillwater, Oklahoma, for many years. He is sent out of Southwest Baptist Church in Oklahoma City.
The Mills have been serving together in the country of Scotland since 1986. Their sending church is Twin City Baptist Church in Indiana. The two have been married for over fifty years.
South Side Baptist Tabernacle is the Mislan's sending church. Jonathan is a second generation missionary to the Philippines. He recently reached the field, and he has one son.
Andrew & Jesse Montoro -
New York City
The Montoros took over a struggling church in New York City in 2019 to continue its work of shedding the light of the gospel in this large city. The Montoros have two daughters.
The Moores reached the field of Portugal in 2009. After taking a short-term missions trip to England, God confirmed their call to Portugal. After training under veteran missionaries Lionel & Carol Martin (Valerie's parents), they are now planting churches and reaching souls all across the country.
Damian and his wife Ruth went to England in 2001. They were both teaching at a Christian school in Florida when they heard God's call to missions. The Picketts have planted three churches in the country. After a fight with cancer, Ruth went home to be with the Lord in 2024.
Eroni and Orma Qalo - Fiji Islands
Bro. Eroni is from the Fiji Islands where he was reached by a missionary with the gospel. They have been missionaries in the Fiji Islands since 1997. The Qalos are sent out of Calvary Baptist Church in California, and they have four children-Patricia, Marshall, Roy, and Orlana.
The Reinholds have served all throughout Mexico since 2000. Their ministry includes church planting and leadership support, as well as on-site medical missions. They have started five churches in the country of Mexico.
Whittier Lane Baptist Church in Indiana sent out the Riggs in 1994 as missionaries to Zambia. Since arriving on the field, the Riggs have started seven churches as well as a Bible Institute. Over half of the population of Zambia is under twenty, so the Riggs have also started a summer youth camp.
Jeremy grew up here at South Side Baptist Tabernacle and was saved here as a young man. After a year and half ministering in Romania with Ukrainian refugees, Jeremy was able to get into Ukraine in 2024 where he is currently working alongside Bro. Mark Priem. His sending church is Berean Baptist Church in WI.
The Rowleys were married in 2009 and have ministered together in Papua New Guinea since 2020. Their sending church is Bible Baptist Church in OK. God has called them to the small bush villages in Papua New Guinea. The Rowleys have three children.
In 2002, the Smiths were sent out of Cherry Street Baptist Church in Missouri to the country of Portugal. After ministering alongside veteran missionaries, Lionel & Carol Martin, they began planting churches in other areas of the country in 2005. The Smiths have three children.
The Thompsons have been on the field of England since 1983, and they are sent out of New Testament Baptist Church in Largo, FL.
The Thorntons spent over 30 years on the mission field of Argentina before transitioning into the Shepherd's Care Ministry. This ministry assists bi-vocational pastors as well as helping churches that are without a pastor to find a new pastor.
The Tignors have been on the mission field of Ecuador since 1997. They have five children, and they have been sent out of Landmark Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia.
The Tottinghams were married in 1994, and they have four children. They have planted two churches in Australia and are sent out of Empire Baptist Temple in South Dakota.
Steve & Marilyn Trask - Brazil
The Trasks reached the mission field of Brazil in 1982. They are sent out of the Bethel Baptist Church in Missouri. After more than forty years on the field, the Trasks continue to reach the Brazilian people for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Tim & Lisa Ungry - Alaska, USA
The Ungrys were sent out of Blessed Hope Baptist Church in Missouri to begin reaching over 200 small native villages that have no church. Most of these small villages have no access except by plane.
Ernesto & Veronica Valtierra - Mexico
The Valtierras have been serving in Mexico since 2014, and they are sent out of Southside Baptist Church in South Carolina.
Dan & Vicki Weaver - Belize
After pastoring for seven years in the USA, God called the Weavers to the people of Belize in 1999. In 2000, they were sent out of Winter Haven Baptist Church in Florida to start churches and train nationals in Belize.
Missionaries to Restricted
Access Nations
We support several missionaries to nations that restrict gospel ministry in that country. We cannot show their names or faces here, but we continue to pray for them, support them, and thank God for their faithful ministry where God has called them.
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