The Goal of our Music
The goal of our music ministry at South Side Baptist Tabernacle is to honor, glorify, and lift up the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God is honored when His people worship Him in song. Music is a very important part of a worship service. Another purpose of music is to prepare the hearts of the people for the proclaiming of God's Word. Music is a way to encourage the saints and a venue to lift up voices in praise to the One who is worthy to be praised. At South Side we love to sing and up lift our Lord's name in song. Our congregation sings hymns that are based on Scripture and doctrinally correct according to God's Word. Additionally, our services are complemented with a 40 plus member choir, soloists and groups of various ages. Our music is conservative and traditional in style, however energetic and heartfelt in presentation.
Forms of Music Presentation
- Weekly Choir in the worship hour
- Congregational Singing
- Special Groups/Ensembles/Solos
- Children's Choir/Teen Choir
- Family Singspirations
- Quarter Sunday